Offered Services

 Architecture Analysis and Design
Analyze and design a custom architecture for your software system to ensure it is efficient, scalable, and maintainable.
 CI/CD Implementation
Streamline your software development and delivery process with my CI/CD implementation services. I’ll set up and configure the tools and processes needed to automatically build, test, and deploy code changes.
 Development tooling
Need help setting up the tools and infrastructure for your software development team? I can help you choose and configure the right tools for your needs.
 E2E Test Framework Design
Automate your end-to-end testing process with a custom E2E test framework designed by me. I’ll make sure your workflow or user journey is thoroughly tested to ensure your system is functioning correctly.
 API Development
Allow different systems to communicate with each other by leveraging my API development services. I’ll help you design and implement APIs that enable integration between different systems.
 Test Hardware Dev. & Management
Developing and managing the hardware infrastructure needed for testing, including test environments and devices. By outsourcing this task to a specialist, you can ensure that your hardware infrastructure is set up and managed effectively.
 Technical Instruction & Documentation
Make it easy for others to understand and use your system or technology with my technical instruction and documentation services. I’ll provide clear and concise documentation and training materials to help your team or clients get up to speed quickly.
 Performance Analysis
Identify and analyze the performance of your system with our performance analysis services. We’ll identify bottlenecks or other issues that may be impacting performance and provide recommendations for improvement. By optimizing the performance of your system, you can ensure that it is running at its best.
 Infrastructure As Code
Automate the provisioning and management of your infrastructure with my infrastructure as code services. I’ll use code (e.g. scripts, configuration files) to streamline and simplify your infrastructure management processes.